
Endless Road
sourcedate 2024-05-13 browse 66

Endless Road great card role-playing gamefor android devices. Four classes of characters have been prepared for you, each of which has its own special combat characteristics. Find special unique items for each class of characters and customize the characters. You will find many hidden treasures with various powerful abilities, spells, food, disguise and coins. Download free on Android Endless Road and enjoy the exciting gameplay, randomly generated levels and lots of game events. The main mechanism of battles is easy to lea, but it will take time to hone your skills. You have to combine cards, spells and talents, as well as beat the opponent in the number of his card points. You have to develop your own7upDown victorious tactics and strategy. Also, you are waiting for battles with deadly bosses, in case of victory, you can improve your character and card skills.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 122.28 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----