
Zombie Smashball [Mod Money]
sourcedate 2024-05-14 browse 68

Zombie Smashball - football, basketball and volleyball with the dead. Do you love sports and action, but don’t know the difference between baseball and cricket or football and rugby? Do you love zombies and can't live without their stupid behavior? Now imagine what happens if you combine everything in one place? The result is Zombie Smashball, a cool arcade game that mixes sports and zombie action. You can dress up your hero, buy him armor, change his appearance and fight with opponents in one of three modes: timed, points and hardcore. Especially Crash Play: 3 game modes 3 sports disciplines Charismatic and loud zombie heroes Lots of options to change their appearance and equipment CPU ---Android OS4.1Open GL---Free Space 33.54 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----