
Ultimate Reality A Dimensional Platformer
sourcedate 2024-05-15 browse 68

Ultimate Reality - A Dimensional Platformer - A dynamic action platformer for android devices. Travel across different universes In this adventure platform you will act as a young superhero named Drake Smith, who is inspired by the theory of the multiverse. Create a device with a powerful artifact that allows you to travel to different universes and worlds, and keep track of them. But Drake noticed that a mysterious villain was trying to destroy every reality and decided to stop him from doing anything. Go on a date of adventure and don't let the villain make his plans come true. Don't let enemies destroy all realities Navigate to different worlds, realities, universes and destroy enemies, and try to find the main villain. Remember, everything you do will affect other universes, try to act deliberately and not by mistake destroy the world. Use your special abilities, fight hordes of enemies as well as deadly bosses. An interesting storyline, complex puzzles, strong enemies, an intereKTO.comsting interaction of the hero with space and time, as well as various styles of battle and bright costumes - all of this awaits you in Pixel platformer with action battles.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 95.64 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----