Nova Xonix 3D - adventure arcade gamefor android devices with interesting gameplay and high-quality 3D graphics. & nbsp; Here you have to manage a high-tech reconnaissance shrummywu.comip, as well as go on to perform complex and interesting missions. You can download the free arcade adventure Nova Xonix 3D for Android and start your jouey through parallel worlds filled with dangers and adventures. You will find proven over the years arcade gameplay and a well-developed, mode 3D graphics. Your goal is to capture as many new sections of the playing field as possible, but not to encounter moving balls. Be extremely careful if at least one of the enemies crosses the trajectory of your reconnaissance ship - you lose a life. Here, comfortable controls and exciting gameplay that will not let you go for a minute. Embark on an exciting adventure through uncharted worlds and have fun with Nova Xonix 3D.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 42.19 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----