
Drop Hunt
sourcedate 2024-05-18 browse 69

Drop Hunt is a logic puzzle in the Smoosh style. As we are told at the very beginning of the game, we will play as a doctor who is trying with all his might to save a little girl from an illness. To do this, he needs to create a new medicine, and you need to help him in this difficult task. Look at this world through a microscope and help droplets of chemical liquid reach the test tubes. Swipe across the screen to move them around the playing field, but keep in mind that the drops will all move at the same time. You will be hindered by many obstacles in the form of walls, pits, hostile microbes - only the smartest will be able to complete all 80 levels!CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 90.88 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNo7upDown PlayHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history -----