Fleeing the Complex is an interactive arcade game with a plot. Somewhere far, far away, in the snowy mountains of an unknown country, there is a prison in which the harshest, most aggressive, most merciless and most cunning criminals from all over the world live. Henry, the main character of the game, a new inhabitant of this place, needs your help. Help him escape, leaving all the guards and ill-wishers behind! You will find a unique plot that will keep BlackJack Rummy in suspense until the last minute, excellent hand-drawn graphics and over 60 options for the development of events. You can return to the desired episode at any time and continue playing. The game requires Adobe AIR.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 26.32 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----