Cartoon visualsBright and fun soccer game, where you wilrummy94.coml find colorful cartoon graphics, understandable game mechanics, comfortable controls and the ability to manage an entire team. In Pro League Socceryou will be in control of many aspects at once, namely - to select a balanced squad, train your heroes and think over winning tactics. To climb higher in the list of the best, you have to think through every action in advance.
Various touaments and leaguesTo start your football adventure, you have to assemble a unique team of various characters. Each athlete will have their own characteristics and strengths, which must be taken into account when forming a team. It is also important to correctly place the players on the field so that everyone takes the right position. The game will delight you with dynamic gameplay, realistic physics, weekly touaments and various leagues, as well as the opportunity to enter your name in the list of the best players and get significant rewards.
CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 51.55 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newBugs fixed.
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Tree oF Fortune