Purrfect Tale - a fun casual simulator rummy67.comwith a good-natured atmosphere for Android devices. Simple and addictive gameplay In this casual simulator you will find yourself in the role of a hero wakes up suddenly while he was still a student. It is quite difficult for him from the heavy workload and the oppressive environment at home, but suddenly he meets a stray cat, which accidentally changes his life beyond recognition. Then you can start all over again and literally create a cozy house for the protagonist and his furry friend, where they can decorate rooms together, prepare lunch and play mini-games. Home improvement and cat care Here, with the help of interactive comics, you can immerse yourself in the life of the protagonist, make fateful choices and more. Also, your cat can suddenly tu into a person, but you have to choose clothes for him, help him get settled and become a real friend for him. Your every action will influence the continuation of the story, then you can raise your favorite pets in the house, take care of them, bathe, feed and play together. You will find a large number of outfits for various characters and for all occasions, the opportunity to recognize the characters of each pet, as well as play exciting mini-games.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 295.98 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----