
Stranger Cases: A Mystery Escape [unlocked]
sourcedate 2024-05-19 browse 76

Can you solve the mystery of the missing child? My first client was an uBlack Jack nusual scientist who lost his child. I continued my investigation to find him on the roof of a very peculiar building ... With even more strange inhabitants! A unique, one-of-a-kind detective, 15 beautiful, painted levels. Dozens of challenging quests and original puzzles! Colorful cartoon graphics and great humor.CPU---Android OS6.0Open GL---Free Space 87.08 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newСбалансированная сложность на 4, 6 и 8 уровняхНебольшие оптимизации и исправленияUpdate history-----

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