
Tribal Mania
sourcedate 2024-07-04 browse 64

Tribal Mania is a strategy game in the bonus rummy style of Dash of Tanks. Fight hundreds of real players in real time and find out which of you is the strongest commander. Send fearless warriors on the offensive and defend your base from the enemy. Collect cards, earn gold, unlock new weapons and new levels. Tribal Mania is a new strategy in the original old-eastern style, which is created according to the type of Clash Royale and Jungle Clash. Take on the challenge, become the strongest, rising higher and higher in the record table.CPU---Android OS4.1Open GL---Free Space 101.42 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----

rummy nabob