
Tiny Prison [Mod Money]
sourcedate 2024-07-05 browse 62

Tiny Prison is a simulator of a penitentiary institution for aliens. Aliens have long chosen our planet, turning it into some kind of resort. Along with the mass of law-abiding tourists, individuals who are hiding from justice in their home worlds or individuals who are planning illegal actions in the jurisdiction of earthlings also arrive on the surface of the Earth. What to do with these captured individuals? Extradite? Impossible. Always hiding in military bases is also expensive and fraught with various problems. So it was decided to build a giant prison. But then another question arose. Who will pay for this pleasure? And let the aliens earn back the money spent on them. That's what we decided. And without thinking twice, you were appointed head of this establishment. Go for it!Tiny Prison is a hilarious game for Android that will amuse you for a long time.CPU---Android OS2.3.3Open GL---Free Space 20.08 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----

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